Bernetta Theaterproduktionen

Founded in 1995 as Theaterproduktionen Gabi Bernetta in Zürich, the name was changed to Bernetta Theaterproduktionen in  2016, when Gabi Bernetta’s nephew Ramun Bernetta joined the production company. The aim of this free-lance production company is to support artists in the areas of organization, concept, financing, publicity, communication and public relations. 



Gabi Bernetta

Geboren 1962 in Chur. Lebt und arbeitet seit 1985 in Zürich. 1982 Diplom KV-Business School. 1989 Ausbildung am SAWI Basel zur Werbeassistentin. 2002-2004 Nachdiplomstudium Kulturmanagement, 2004 Diplom Executive Master of Advanced Studies, Zürcher Hochschule Winterthur. 

1995 Gründung von Bernetta Theaterproduktionen und tätig als Produktionsleiterin für freie Ensembles und Regisseure u.a. für TRIAD Theatercompany Zürich, THOM LUZ; THEATER KONSTELLATIONEN, PLASMA Theatercompany; TRAININGSLAGER; JÜRG KIENBERGER u.v.m.

Mitbegründerin von TRIAD Theatercompany Zürich und «ressort k» Chur.

1985 - 1990 Medienberaterin in verschiedenen Werbeagenturen; 1990 - 1995 Leitung KBB beim Kitz, Junges Theater Zürich; 1999 - 2002 Werbeleiterin/GL-Mitglied, Theater Kanton Zürich Winterthur; 2003 - 2004 Leiterin Kommunikation forum:claque Das Kunstlabor in Baden; 2006 – 2009 Betriebsleitung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit am Theater Chur; 2009 - 2010 administrative Leitung „Kunstexpander“ Performancefestival Aarau; 2013 Projektleitung der Spielträume 2013 / Alte Reithalle Aarau. 2016 Initiantin und Leiterin des nationalen Festivals «jungspund – Theaterfestival für junges Publikum St.Gallen».
+41 (0)44 440 66 07

Ramun Bernetta

Born in Chur in 1994. Since 2015 he has been living, working and studying in Zurich. After his Commercial Diploma in 2013 and his Federal Professional Baccalaureate Certificate in 2015, including a 18 month stage at the Graubündner Kantonalbank, he did an EFL course in the US. He is currently studying towards a Bachelor of Science in Communication at Hochschule für Wirtschaft in Zurich.

He has been on the committee of «Kulturraum Chur» since 2014 and is responsible for the program at «Kulturplatz-Festival Chur» since 2016.

In 2015 he joined Bernetta Theaterproduktionen, producing for several free theater groups and directors, such as Thom Luz, Ruedi Häusermann, TRIAD Theatercompany, Ensemble Fiorenza, Fabian Alder, Max Merker, Christoph Rath, Martin Bieri and George Scharegg.

Since 2016 he has also been responsible for marketing and communication for the internationational Festival «jungspund – Theaterfestival für ein junges Publikum» (Theater Festival for a Young Audience) in St. Gallen.
+41 (0)44 440 66 07